Manillares de bicicleta, combos manillar-potencia, acoples, apoya-brazos, descubre nuestros manillares y accesorios de alta calidad para rendir en carretera con manillar aerodinámico o en montaña con manillar de doble altura. Nuestros manillares son cómodos y aerodinámicos.
Limpiar filtrosBike handlebars are available in either lightweight carbon fiber or durable aluminum materials. Road handlebars are also known as drop handlebars and found on most types of road bikes. Road bars are narrower by design to improve aerodynamic performance, whereas MTB bars are flatter to give a wider hand position which improves stability and control out on the trails. We also offer various aero bar extensions, which turn a regular road bike into a time trial or triathlon ready machine.