?? BikeRadar a?a????sse? t? Defy Advanced Pro ??d??at? t?? ???????!

?e?t??a, 20 ?a??? 2024


T? Defy Advanced Pro ???d?se d?p?? d?????s? ap? t? BikeRadar ?a? t? s??e??a??µe?? ??t?p? Cycling Plus sta ß?aße?a Bike of the Year 2024, ?ata?t??ta? t?? ????f? st? ?at?????a Endurance Bike of the Year ?a??? ?a? st?? ?at?????a Road Bike of the Year.

?? BikeRadar a?a????sse? t? Defy Advanced Pro ??d??at? t?? ???????!

T? Defy Advanced Pro ???d?se d?p?? d?????s? ap? t? BikeRadar ?a? t? s??e??a??µe?? ??t?p? Cycling Plus sta ß?aße?a Bike of the Year 2024, ?ata?t??ta? t?? ????f? t?s? st? ?at?????a Endurance Bike of the Year ?s? ?a? st?? ?at?????a Road Bike of the Year.

?? BikeRadar ?a? t? Cycling Plus s?????t??sa? t?? ????fa?e? ep?????? t??? a??µesa sta p?d??ata d??µ?? t?? 2024 ?a? ta ?p?ßa?a? se d???µas?e? ??a ta 16a ?t?s?a ??aße?a ??d???t?? t?? ???????. ?p? ??a ta µ??t??a p?? d???µasa?, t? Defy Advanced Pro a?ade?????e ?a?a??? ????t??, ?e?d????ta? t??e?a ßa?µ?????a 5/5 ap? t? Cycling Plus ?a? ?ata?t??ta? t??? t?t???? t?? ??d???t?? ??t???? t?? ??????? (Endurance Bike of the Year) ?a? t?? ??d???t?? ???µ?? t?? ??????? (Road Bike of the Year). ? s??????? ???? s?µat?d?t?se t?? p?µpt? ??a t?? Giant, p?? t?? ???e? t?? p??????? eta??e?a st?? ?st???a t?? ?esµ??.

? Warren Rossiter, ??a? ap? t??? a??te???? te??????? s??t??te? t?? BikeRadar, e????se ?t? t? µ??t??? Defy Advanced Pro 2 ep???????e ap? µ?a ??sta µe 24 ?p???f?a p?d??ata d??µ?? ?a? p??te p?d??ata a?t???? ??at? p??sf??e? µ?a "?a?a?? eµpe???a p?d???t?? d??µ??" µe ??a? as?????t? s??d?asµ? ap?d?s?? ?a? ??es??.

St?? ?at?????a a?t????, t? Defy Advanced Pro ?ep??ase ta Canyon Endurace CF SLX 8 Di2, Cinelli Pressure ADR 105di2, Lauf Utald Force ?a? Specialized Roubaix Comp. ???e p?d??at? ?p?st? a????? µ?a d???? d???µast??? d?ad??µ? p??? ?p?ß???e? se d???µ?? se µ?a d?ad??µ? 132 ???. µe e?a??a?? s???????.

?a ???t???a t?? Rossiter pe????µßa?a? t?? a???????s? t?? ?a?a?t???st???? ?e???sµ??, t?? e??p??sµ?? t?? p?d???t??, t?? a??a? t??? ?a?, te????, p?s? e??a??st????e t?? ?d???s? t???. ?e????, t? Defy Advanced Pro a?ade?????e ?a?a??? ????t??.

???et? s?ed?ast??? st???e?a s?µß?????? st?? ?e????st? p???t?ta ?d???s?? t?? Defy Advanced Pro, µe ????a t?? ?t??a s??a? D-Fuse, t?? s???et?? ????a D-shaped ?a? t?? e?af???? t?µ????? Contact D-Fuse.

?? ap?t??esµa e??a? µ?a sta?e?? ?a? ??et? ?d???s? p?? ap?d?de? e??s?? se a????st????? ???µ???. S?µp???????ta? t? pa??t?, ???e µ??t??? Defy ???eta? µe e?ast??? high-volume 32mm p?? p??sf????? ap?d?t???t?ta, p??sf?s? ?a? p???? ??e???.

St?? pe?t?ste?? ???t??? t??, ? Rossiter ???a?e ?t? ? ?e?µet??a t?? p?a?s??? t?? Defy "?t?p? t?? ?da???? ?s????p?a µeta?? p?d???t?? a?t???? ?a? a????? µe t?? head angle 72,5 µ????? ?a? seat tube angle 73 µ?????."

“Point-to-point, over varied terrain, the latest-generation Defy is about as quick as they come,” s?????se ? Rossiter.. “It handles as quickly as a race bike, but layers on stability and compliance. This translates into ride confidence and, therefore, real-world speed. As an endurance bike focused on the road, it's almost without peer.”

S????????ta? t?? ß?aße?µ??? ap?d?s? t?? Defy Advanced Pro, ? Rossiter ???a?e, "??t? t? e?af?? ?a? ??????? p?d??at? e??a? ???t?? st?? ?at?????a t?? ?a? ?epe??? t??? a?t?p????? t?? p?? ??st????? p??? pe??ss?te??. ?? ????ete t? ep?µe?? p?d??at? a?t???? d??µ?? sa?, de? µp??? ?a s?eft? ?a??te?? µ???? ?a ?e????sete (?a? ?a te?e??sete) t?? a?a??t?s? sa?."

G?a pe??ss?te?e? p????f???e?, s?µpe???aµßa??µ???? ???? t?? te?????? ?ept?µe?e??? t?? Defy Advanced Pro, ???te ???? ed?.

?a? ??a ?a d?aß?sete t?? p???? ???t???, ep?s?efte?te t?? ?st?t?p? t?? BikeRadar.
